mexican food
Mexican food
i´m one of those people who love to taste different foods.
these holidays provided many different foods but the one I liked the most was Mexian food.
say that it all started at the time of the Mexican revoulution, in the city of Chihuahua,mexio.
there was a food stall whose owner was named Juan Mendez.
some Mexicans who fled the revolution lived on the American side, and as they loved the food of their country, they began to make orders for mr. Juan. to deliver the orders, it was necessary to cross a river, the Rio Grande and, the food was getting cold.
it was then that john had the ideia of rolling meat,lettuce beans and some kinds of saues on wheat tortillas, making several rolls, and putting everything into bags.
Only that the orders were increasing and could not carry the bags in hand, and then mr.Juan decided to buy a donkey so burito.

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